Here you can find great information about me and the Lemmikuhoidja pet sitter service (articles are in Estonian)
Big cat loverLaura Vilbaste from Tallinn has saved the lives of so many cats. And found his calling in animals and now takes care of other people's pets.
Ringvaade 10.11.2021 |
Pet Sitting Provider: Keeping animals is a luxuryLaura Vilbaste, a volunteer of the Pesaleidja MTÜ, started offering a pet-sitting service. Vilbaste spoke in "Vikerhommiku" about her own journey to keeping pets and creating pet sitting service Lemmikuhoidja.
ERR 19.10.2021 |
Pet sitter Laura: This is my dream job!Animal lover Laura Vilbaste filled an empty space in the market and started offering a pet sitting service. Vilbaste hopes that one day her service will grow into a full-time job.
Äripäev 16.10.2021 |
When you leave home, call a pet sitter! Laura Vilbaste has provided companionship to more than 135 animals in a yearLaura Vilbaste, who started offering pet care services last May, has already taken care of more than 135 animals, the lion's share of which are cats. In addition, he has kept dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas and a rabbit.
Maaleht 02.09.2020 |
A vacation awaits! What to do with a pet?You can't take your pet with you every time you go on vacation. You can't find a good friend and you can't leave a favorite on your own either. In this case, animal keepers and hotels lend a helping hand.
Trude Taevere is the hostess of the somewhat selfish dachshund boy Rocco. Trude still tries to take the invitation with her when she travels, but unfortunately it's not always possible. In such cases, help has been sought from the pet sitting service. Naisteleht 26.06.2019 |
Who is Lemmikuhoidja?Summer is a great time for driving around and traveling. Of course, it's nice if the four-legged friend is with you, but what to do if the pet doesn't want/can't come with you right away? In addition, friends/acquaintances have also left the city, who previously went to take care of the cat or walk the dog. What to do?
Since many pets have a hard time staying in a hotel, the best alternative is to leave your favorite in the care of a pet sitter. Pesaleidja blogi 28.05.2019 |
SECTION PESALEIDJAD: LAURAPesaleidja blog 11.02.2019
Laura Vilbaste by Lisatulu podcastLaura Vilbaste is a pet sitter - she takes care of animals in their own home, keeps them with her if necessary or goes for a walk with the dogs. He is flexible and adapts to the needs of the animal and the family - whether the clients are cats, dogs, rodents or animals requiring special care. You can find a sitter for your pet at
Lisatulu podcast 01.12.2022 |
To get in touch, you can find my contact here or by clicking on the bubble icon on the right.